In 1932 the executors of the late Bishop deCarteret contacted Kingston College and laid claim to all its assets. Despite protest from Rev. Gibson that Bishop deCarteret had no financial stake in the school, it was all in vain. The bank account was seized, and efforts were made to seize and sell the furniture and other equipment. Bishop Gibson later…


Bishop Enos Nuttall was the spiritual father and mentor of Bishop Gibson. Born 1846, died 1916. He was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in 1866 and was consecrated Bishop of Jamaica in St Paul’s Cathedral in London in October 1880, later he was also Archbishop of the West Indies. In 1883, he was appointed Chairman of the Jamaica…


Edward Rasheed Hanna is one of the Great Benefactors of Kingston College. We will never know his total contribution to KC, but Bishop Gibson said “KC would never have continued without him”. Kingston College, Board Chairman. Hanna House was named in his honor in 1950.


John Mapletoft Nethersole is Rev. Gibson’s role model. Born in 1863, died 1935.He was the first black to be appointed Administrator General of Jamaica. As Chairman of the Diocesan Financial Board, Nethersole supported Rev. Gibson in raising the £5,000 loan from the church to acquire Clovelly Park and to construct the main building at Clovelly Park. Nethersole House was named…


In 1925 at the Anglican Synod, Bishop George deCarteret announced that a new secondary school for boys would be opened in April and Bishop Gibson would be the Headmaster. Rev. Percival Williams Gibson and KC were on their way. The property at 144 3/4 East Street, was purchased by Rev. Gibson and his sister Gwendolyn Gibson for £1,100. Later £90…